Simple Womb Healing Candle Spell and Yoni Oil

  • Reading time:7 mins read

This Womb Healing Candle Spell is easy to make and a nice way of setting the right vibration to attract divine feminine healing energy into our field. It’s especially helpful to women who suffer from painful periods, endometriosis or simply want to celebrate their inner goddess and unleash their full sexual potential.

Womb Healing Candle Spell


Every physical body has an underlying blueprint which manifests our physical form into reality. This blueprint consists of different streams of energy that provide every part of our being with Prana(or life energy). It’s part of our software program. We need to understand that every chronic disease, including endometriosis, has an energetical imbalance or blockage preceding the physical symptoms. While chemical treatments and surgical excision of the symptoms might help to handle the symptoms temporarily, the real healing work has to take part in the deeper parts of our being. It takes part in the the layer of reality which’s existence we have learned to generously overlook and ignore. Understanding the depths of our subconscious is what we healers call shadow work.

Aromatherapy is a great way to stimulate the subtle energy channels of our body by amitting a certain informational frequency into our field, which our subconscious reacts to immediately. This is really all there is to magic. Understand vibrations and frequencies and you will understand magic.

Those two spells are designed to heal, comfort and make you feel like the self empowered creator goddess/god that you are! It’s a great ways to set the right vibration for your healing intention to manifest! Choose whichever oil & herb suits your needs best and then enjoy doing something for yourself.

Essential Oils:

sidenote: this is an oil blend specific for healing mesntrual issues and endometriosis. But you can of course use it with any oils and herbs of your choice

Rose – the ultimate womb healer. For reclaiming ones own femininity and sense of pleasure, regulates hormone level, balance oestrogen levels, heals heartbreak
Peppermint – relieve period cramps and pains
Sandalwood – connect to the divine feminine and inner goddess, aphrodisiac
Fancinstine – calm inflammation, relieve cramps, reduces PMS, regulates hormone levels
Jasmine – connect to the divine feminine and sense of pleasure, aphrodisiac
Rosemary – calm inflammation, balance oestrogen levels, promotes blood circulation, helps a heavy flow,
Cinnamon – for pain management,
Eucalyptus – cool the inflammation symptoms,
Geranium – lifts mood and regulates the hormones
Ylang Ylang – happiness oil, helps stress and stabilises the mood

Dried Herbs:

Rose Pedals – see list above
Peppermint Leaves – see list above
Rosemary – see list above
Lavender – reduce menstrual cramps 

Plants as Medicine

The secret in healing through plants is connecting to them. Listening to what the plant has to offer and teach you. Rose is such a powerful healing plant for women because it teaches us to celebrate our own beauty and femininity unapologetically. Moreso, the rose symbolises both the vulnerability of beauty and the strength to protect herself.

In our world we often overlook how strong the feminine is. The rose has thick thorns and whomever has been stuck in a rosebush before will know that they are not to mess around with.

The rose doesn’t apologise for her beauty. She is not fisty, she’s passive and soft. Yet anyone who wants to harm or possess her just injures himself in her thorns. That is the biggest strength of the feminine.

Essential oils hold strong healing properties because they help us heal on every level. So which ever herbs you end up using, spend a little time getting to know them to understand what they are helping you with

Womb Healing Yoni Oil

Womb Healing Yoni Oil

This Yoni oil will help you nurture and reconnect to your womb and support the detoxing process of guilt and shame, that we are going through with every menstrual cycle.

Choose a carier oil of your choice: I usually prefer almond, apricot, argan or jojoba oil.

1. First add the dried herbs listed below into a suitable glas bottle.
2. Fill it up with your carier oil and start adding the essential oils to the mixture.

Feel free to add any oil that fits your personal needs as well. This is your personal gift to your yoni and womb. When you’re done seal the bottle and shake it and picture how it nourishes and spoils your reproductive center.

Use the oil for daily hygiene, as moisturiser, as addition to your bathing water, to add to your organic tampons during your period (I also like to add a free drops to my slips), to massage & spoil your Yoni, to massage your womb area and relief it from menstrual cramps, for pain relief and for all spells related to your womb and sexual energy (also for manifestation spells)

Womb Healing Candle Spell

*best performed on full or waxing moon

This spell is great for ceremonial use, to initiate your own healing journey and keep a reminder of your healing path in your space. After casting the spell you can burn the candle infuse your space with healing vibrations during meditation, whenever you need a recharge, during your period or as addition to your goddess bath.

1. Take a white jar candle that is free of environmental toxins.

2. Prepare your space by cleansing it with sage or palo santo wood stick, or any other smudging smoke.

3. Sit in front of your candle and set your intention to cast a healing spell. Ground yourself mentally to Mother Earth and ask for her support in healing.

4. Now center yourself add the oils and herbs listed above. Make sure to leave enough space around the wick when adding the herbs.

5. Place your left hand on your womb area, and with your right hand add a few drops of your Yoni Oil to the candle while picturing yourself healed and strong, radiating your feminine energy like a shinning golden glow that surrounds you.

6. Now light the candle and envision it’s healing energy spreading around your space.

To empower the spell recite the following line while lighting the candle:





I hope this Womb Healing Candle Spell could inspire you.

I case you tried them, I would love to hear your experience so feel free to DM me on Instagram.

If you are interested to read more about essential oils, womb healing, manifestation and the path to embodying your inner goddess fully, you are most welcome to subscribe to my newsletter down below 🙂

Much love & healing 🌺







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